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The reason and purpose why I have to establish this ministry: it is entirely the guidance the revelation and inspiration from the Holy Spirit to me. God had already given this vision nearly two decades ago but it was vague and uncertain until the Holy Spirit has led me to the right place in the right time. As an evidence for revelation to establish this FEED Ministries, the Holy Spirit showed me to following scriptures from the Gospel according to John 21st chapter15-17. I request you to pay your keen attention to theses verses.

Do you love me more than these?     Feed my lambs                                                            John 21:15 
Do you love me?                                Feed my sheep                                                           John 21:16
Do you love?                                     Feed my sheep                                                           John 21:17

Jesus asked Peter three times if he really loved Jesus and Peter answered him saying three times that he loved Jesus. For the three times that Peter answered Jesus, He asked Peter to feed his lambs. How emphatic the question is and how emphatic the answer is! Jesus says to him "If you love me feed my lambs". It is a clear cut that loving Jesus is feeding His lambs. Feeding His lambs is a symbolic ministry for loving Jesus. Jesus commanded Peter to feed His sheep. In John 14:15 He says if you love me keep my commandment. In 15:14 of the same book He says ye are my friends, if you do what so ever I command you.

In many circumstances we find that God is concerned to the food of human beings. In Mark 6:37 He says "Give them some thing to eat", and in the following verses He fed more than five thousand people with five loaves and two fish. In fact it is impossible to any one to feed more than one person with five loaves and two fish. One has all reasons to avoid such sacrificial commitment to feed the hungry. Jesus was sure that they would faint on the way and did not want them to be starved. He wanted to see that they were fed. His love and compassion forced Him to feed them some how. Before that He preached them for three days and fed them with the spiritual food. And then He was thinking to feed them physically. People naturally give alms when they have in surplus. That does not symbolize the love or compassion. Compassion dominates any selfishness or unkind attitude.

Previously I lived in a town by name Tenali for twenty years. It is a place where there are abundant resources of money. It is an advanced place educationally, economically, commercially, politically and people are civilized, literates, well versed and they are will off in this competitive world. In other words Tenali is called a mini-Paris. In such a beautiful town I did the ministry for twenty years. Please visit my old website www.holyghost.15om.com. Finally God has led me to a tiny village where people are poverty stricken, illiterates and uncivilized. An elderly man commented that the woman is a symbol for a professional prostitute and a man for a thief. They say that they have no alternative. Perhaps for this reason God has sent me to feed His lambs in many villages like that. Please see the pictures how God has utilized me to show that my interference here is absolutely according to His will. If you think that my cause is genuine please stretch your generous hand to feed them and lead them in to the light of salvation. A single dollar enables me to feed 10 elderly people or 20 little orphan children one time a day. A pound will enable me to feed more than 15 elderly people or more than 30 little children.

My attempt is first to quench their thirst and hunger and then lead and then strengthen them in spirit and mind. On every Sunday I feed them after the worship service. I am sure they will not attend if I do not arrange food, because they have to go in search of food for their children and for themselves. In this way the enemy avoids them hearing the word of God. If you think that I should not stop the prayer services please encourage me to continue it and God will surely reward you hundred fold. God said 'give and test me'. You may have many reasons of your own and scriptures for them, I understand that the Holy Spirit has not inspired you and I obey His will whole heartedly. I invite your comments and instructions. Please don't hesitate to give out your opinions. I really value them. Please don't think that you have nothing to do with it, because you can not support the FEED Ministries financially. Jesus says that man does not live by bread (money) alone but by every word that cometh out of the mouth of God. David broke the law and entered in to the presence of the Lord and ate the bread but God wad kind enough to forgive Him, because His hunger made him to commit the transgression. Hunger makes one to steal or beg. Satan knew that human beings are subjects to hunger and so he asked Jesus to turn the stones in to bread and eat them Jesus was hungry, because He fasted for forty nights and forty days.. Perhaps he thought that Jesus would behave like Esau who sold away his right to his younger brother for the sake of one time meal.